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Xanthosight® is a clinically proven formula of Lutein, Zeaxanthin, and Meso-Zeaxanthin extracted from marigold petals sourced from Mexico. It supports eye health due to its potent antioxidant and blue-light filtering capacity.  Visual function is enhanced with Xanthosight  supplementation across all populations. 

Xanthosight is clinically proven to increase macular pigment, and improve visual performance including: contrast sensitivity, visual acuity, processing speed, cognitive function, blue light defense, glare recovery and overall wellness throughout the lifespan.

Visual Acuity

The ability to see clearly
and in detail

Contrast Sensitivity

The ability to see objects against a background

Glare Recovery

Recovery from
high intensity lights

Processing Speed

The amount of time to make a correct judgement of visual stimulus.

Blue Light Protection

The body’s internal blue light filter protects our vision the destructive effects of harmful lights.

Recent Clinical Science has proven that these three carotenoids also provide a positive impact on cognition and executive function in healthy and compromised populations.

Macular Pigment Health

Macular pigment health can be affected by nutritional intervention. Of over 600 carotenoids found in food and nature only 3 are found in the eye, specifically Lutein, Meso-Zeaxanthin and Zeaxanthin. Due to validated methods of measurements – Meso-zeaxanthin is well established as found in the macula at a much higher ratio than occurring in foods.  In addition to the devolution of our food supply, supplemenation with the compound meso-zeaxanthin is critical for visual function and and health.

Macular pigment saturation is directly related to all aspects of visual performance.


Xanthophylls are part of the carotenoid family. Xanthophylls contain oxygen and absorb wavelengths of light. In the human body – these special compounds protect us from oxidative damage to our tissues and cells. This is especially critical for vision, brain and skin function throughout our lifetimes.

Xanthosight® provides these three xanthophyll carotenoids in a clinically proven ratio for optimal vision, brain function and more.

Xanthosight® is extracted from marigold providing Lutein, Meso-zeaxanthin and Zeaxanthin in their naturally occuring bioavailable “free-form” state.

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