Study Shows Improved Quality of Life for Heartburn Sufferers Using Fermented Soy Supplementation

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Fermented Soy for Heartburn

Study Shows Improved Quality of Life for Heartburn Sufferers Using Fermented Soy Supplementation

Objectives: The aim of this pilot study was to determine the effects of a fermented soy supplement on heartburn relief, gastrointestinal symptoms, and quality of life.

Methods: A 5-week, randomized, double-blind pilot study was conducted with adults (n=51; 37F/14M, 31±12y) experiencing mild or moderate heartburn. Following a 1-week baseline, participants self-treated heartburn symptoms with up to 3, 1 g sachets of a non-GMO soy flour fermented by Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. delbrueckii Rosell-187 or placebo (maltodextrin) sachets per incident for 3 weeks followed by a 1-week washout. Differences from baseline between treatments were compared using the Wilcoxon Signed Rank test (alpha 0.05). Symptom intensity at 5, 15 and 30-min post administration was assessed using a Likert-like scale (1, no symptoms to 5, severe discomfort). The Gastrointestinal Symptoms Rating Scale (GSRS) (1-no discomfort to 7-very severe discomfort) and Gastro-oesophageal Reflux Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire (GERD-QOL) (4-strongly disagree to 0-strongly agree) were administered during baseline, intervention, and washout.

Results: No significant differences between intervention groups were seen for heartburn severity or frequency, GSRS syndromes or GERD-QOL domains. However, individual QOL items related to inconvenience of taking medications (-1.0±1.3 vs -0.04±1.8, P< 0.05), fear of eating (-1.4±1.3 vs -0.2±1.7, P< 0.05), inability to concentrate at work (-0.9±1.6 vs -0.3±1.0, P< 0.05), and disturbance of after-meal activities and rest (-1.6±1.5 vs -0.7±1.5, P< 0.05) significantly improved with fermented soy compared to control. In addition, the frequency of heartburn (0.3±0.3 vs 0.1±0.3, P< 0.05) and the GSRS symptoms of diarrhea (0.3±1.4 vs -0.3±1.2, P< 0.05) and bloating (0.7±1.7 vs 0.1±1.3, P< 0.05) were significantly improved during washout vs. baseline for the fermented soy group, demonstrating a possible carryover effect over time.

Conclusions: Further research is suggested to test the effect of daily supplementation of fermented soy on heartburn frequency, gastrointestinal symptoms and QOL in a trial of longer duration.

Funding Sources: Lallemand Bio-Ingredients

Presenting Author(s) Asmaa Fatani, MS Graduate Student University of Florida Gainesville, Florida

Co-Author(s) Kadi Vaher, MSc Lallemand Bio-Ingredients Tallinn, Harjumaa, Estonia

Karima Alabasi, PhD University of Florida Gainesville, Florida

Wendy Dahl, PhD University of Florida Gainesville, Florida


About Lallemand Bio-Ingredients

Lallemand is a privately-held Canadian company that specializes in the development, production, and marketing of yeasts, bacteria, and their derivatives. Lallemand provides microbiological solutions for dozens of different industries, from human and animal health and nutrition to baking, oenology, brewing, food ingredients, probiotics, and biofuels.

Lallemand has a proprietary bank of yeast and bacteria that includes thousands of genetically-identified strains. With the goal of reproducing, managing, and optimizing fermentation processes, Lallemand can offer their customers not only the precise microorganism or derivative that fits their unique needs, but also the support, knowledge, and expertise that comes with over a hundred years of continuous research in this field.

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